These days there are more and more companies selling magnetic bracelets, often on the web, and each one claims to be the best. But they can't all be the best of course! I'm not going to name any particular brands here, but there are several things worth considering before purchasing a magnetic bracelet, or indeed any magnotheraputic product.
1) You get what you pay for.
Now obviously you're going to shop around and make sure you get the best deal. I'm not suggesting that the most expensive is necessarily the best! But there is a big difference in price between those products at the top end of the market and those at the bottom. If you find yourself looking at a copper bracelet imported from china made with weak magnets, ask yourself if it is really going to be worthwhile- after all, you are purchasing the product for a reason- its pain relieving effects, and if the product you buy doesn't deliver those effects, then that's not good value.
2) Is its appearance going to stop you wearing it as much as you would?
A long running problem with magnetic bracelets is their appearance- they have traditionally been ugly and embarrassing, drawing attention to themselves and provoking the same tiresome questions from people who notice the bracelet and ask what it is, why you're wearing it etc. It's like when you have your arm in a sling- you soon get tired of explaining to everyone why you have it! Just as bad are the bracelets that are designed to look like a watch so as to be more 'discrete'. These are fine so long as you don't get tired of being asked why you are wearing two watches! And if you're not wearing it, you're not getting the benefit of it. Make sure you buy a bracelet that's attractive and that you're going to enjoy wearing all the time. Ask yourself: 'would I wear this if it didn't have any magnets in it?'
3) Do your homework
Recent clinical studies suggest it is not just the type and strength of the magnets used that makes a difference to the effectiveness of the bracelet, but also the way in which they are arranged to allow the blood to pass through different fields. This is true of the magnetic devices researched and produced by Nigel Broderick which successfully went through clinical trials commissioned by the Arthritis Research Campaign. The results were published in the British Medical Journal in 2004. A product using his old design is still popular, but you can find the latest developments if you look a little harder.
4) Think about when you'll be wearing it
If you're planning on wearing the bracelet for activities such as gardening, make sure you buy a bracelet that is dirt resistant and can be scrubbed clean. If you want one to wear in the evening, and I'm thinking of more for women here, you can get some beautiful jewellery designs now including magnotheraputic technology.
About the Author
For more information on magnetic bracelets and magnotherapy, visit
BrodPod - Advanced Magnotherapy
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