Many do not realize it, but there are several natural remedies for ADHD. ADHD stands for "Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder". This is considered to be a neurological based developmental disorder that is behavioral. While there are many prescription medications available that are deemed appropriate in subduing the symptoms of this particular medical condition, more and more people are starting to have an inclination towards ADHD natural remedies. In this article, you will learn about the symptoms associated with this condition, as well as some solutions to resolving those symptoms naturally.
The Symptoms of ADHD
The symptoms of ADHD are the most troubling aspect of the condition, not only for the individual that suffers, but for those who are around the individual on a regular basis. The symptoms may or may not result in complications in the patient's dealings with work, educational pursuits, social life, and personal relationships. The following represents some of the troubling occurrences in the life of the ADHD patient:
• The patient may appear and/or feel distracted and unable to concentrate on just one thing.
• It is common to observe the patient acting in ways that are deemed impulsive by the standards which most define as the "norm".
• The individual may appear extremely hyper, and may appear as if they have a challenging time staying in one place and/or position for an extended amount of time.
• You may find that the ADHD sufferer gets little to no sleep that is considered appropriate to maintain a decent level of health.
• This person may often start projects, with the best intentions to complete them, but fails to complete them because of the fact that they are unable to focus as they should.
• It may appear as if the patient has a high level of anxiety, which could induce extreme levels of stress, irritability, frustration, and may bring on panic attacks.
• It is common to observe the patient of this condition day dreaming, and simply being inattentive on the whole.
Natural Remedies for ADHD
There are many herb based ADHD natural remedies used in conjunction with other types of therapy. It has been found that herbs that carry the effect of a stimulant are the most effective natural remedies for ADHD. These particular substances actually work to enhance the state of alertness that a sufferer has. The following list documents some of the most favored herbs for treating this condition:
1. Ginkgo - If a patient indulges in this particular treatment, it has been discovered that the natural blood flow that delivers this important substance to the brain is increased. It is not recommended for ADHD patients that are under the age of eighteen. However, for adults, it has been found to be a wonderful solution to soothing the symptoms associated with this condition. Individuals who consume this herb have been found to have better focus, a more appropriate retention level, and a higher intelligence.
2. Melatonin - Melatonin is a hormone that is naturally produced by the body. It has many different functions. One of the main functions is that it helps to regulate our sleep/wake cycle. During the daytime hours, the average person's melatonin levels decrease. In the evening hours, the pineal gland begins to produce more melatonin to produce the body for sleep. This substance is now sold over-the-counter and can be given as one of the ADHD natural remedies to induce relaxation and sleep.
3. Rosemary - If you are looking for natural remedies for ADHD that will assist in maintaining focus, concentration, and recalling events with ease, then Rosemary is considered to be appropriate. You may ingest this particular herb by mixing it with food, or creating a tea from it. Many may even incorporate essential oils into their natural ADHD treatment in order to reap the benefits of this particular herb.
There are a large number of natural remedies for ADHD. Many individuals extend past the herbs and consider complete lifestyle changes. These changes may include setting schedules for waking, working, activities, and sleeping. In some cases, a change to the diet may be required in order to reduce the amount of sugar and caffeine is ingested on a regular basis. Many may incorporate an exercise program in order to cope with the symptoms. Then, there are some who may go forth with techniques, like behavioral modification therapy. When choosing among natural remedies for ADHD, it is important to choose a treatment that works for you, and is considered safe and effective.
About the Author
Diana is a Natural Health Consultant and is currently taking classes to earn a certificate in herbalism. Her website Natural Health and Herbal Remedies, offers the knowledge, insights and experiences she has gained from her journey into the world of natural health and her quest to share it with others.
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