Staying flu-free, specifically during the flu season, is not as difficult as some people think. For some, the easiest way to do this is by taking flu shot, but with all the new research warning of the dangers of the vaccine, are you prepared to put your health at risk when there are safer alternatives to stay flu-free?
The flu shot, similar to other vaccines, has mercury, which has been blamed for the rise of the incidence of autism in young children. Besides mercury, there are other harmful ingredients used by pharmaceutical companies to manufacture the vaccine. These include toxic substances like formaldehyde and phenol.
Now that your eyes have been opened on the dangers of vaccines, is taking a flu shot still an option for you?
Here are some tips on how to beat the flu safely for those who do not want to take a flu shot:
Regular handwashing. Rub your eyes or nose after you come in contact with someone carrying the flu and you also get the flu virus. Avoid contagious diseases such as the flu by washing your hands often with warm water and soap. It is recommended to clean up before and after cooking food, before and after eating, after a bathroom break, or whenever you get your hands dirty.
Routine cleaning. Clean and sanitize the areas and objects that people in your house often use.
Healthy living. Prevent the flu rather than cure it. Increase your body's resistance to the flu by improving your immune system. You can improve your immune system by making the necessary changes to your lifestyle, including switching from coffee to tea, staying away from sugar, getting the right amount of sleep and relaxing often.
Rest. Give yourself some time off and rest when you feel like you're about to get sick with the flu. It's better to take a break for a few hours or a couple of days rather than go down hard with the flu and miss a week of work.
Crowded places such as shopping malls, cinemas, and airports are hotbeds of the flu virus so avoid unnecessary contact with other people. This is important if you have a weak immune system and for younger children, who can easily get the flu.
Consume plenty of water. Not distilled water, which has been drained of nutrients, but pure water. A quart of water per 50 pounds of body weight is recommended. Stay away from sodas, coffee, energy drinks and other beverages that are high in caffeine.
About the Author
Sandor Cruz recommends natural health products by Dr. Joseph Mercola, an osteopathic physician and author of New York Times bestsellers, The No-Grain Diet and The Great Bird Flu Hoax.
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