In this world of cutthroat competition, if you are not so intelligent and good in memory, you may find it difficult to stand in the market! Memory comes everywhere and you just cannot step further without having good memory. Let it be the basic education or some work to be done at any cost today or some office task to an appointment; memory is mandatory without which, you may end up in great hassles.
Not all people are blessed with sharp and super memory and hence, people with forgetfulness are in search to improve memory. As the luck would have it, the nature has gifted us with many herbs and therapies that help to improve memory. Let us look at some of the basic but important tips to improve memory:-
Tip to improve memory #1: The meditation plays a significant role in enhancing the memory. The neurotransmitters are said to get restored when meditation is practiced in a particular manner. You can learn various meditation techniques and improve memory.
Tip to improve memory #2: the nature ha gifted us with many herbs that possess natural memory boosting capacity and properties. Herbs such as brahmi, shankhapushpi, amalaki (Indian gooseberry), guduchi, vasa, ashwagandha etc help to improve memory. One can take single herb supplement or can go for some product that contains the combination of above mentioned herbs. The supplements do come in various forms such as pills, granules, capsules, tablets and even syrups.
Tip to improve memory #3: You can also start eating dark, green and leafy vegetables, fresh fruit juices and healthy light food. On the other hand, giving up junk, canned, packed, spicy and oily food is necessary. Ayurvedic literatures say that excess use of onions decrease the memory and hence, to improve memory, limit the onions.
Tip to improve memory #4: Ayurvedic scholars believe that masturbation may cause memory loss. Excessive masturbation may also bring lots of other health ailments such as hair fall, general and sexual debility, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and loss of libido and in severe cases, even the impotency. To improve memory, limit or give up masturbation.
Tip to improve memory #5: There are many therapies that help in boosting the memory. Special therapy such as Ayurvedic Panchakarma may help in sharpening the memory. However for this, one has to follow a strict diet and regimen as directed by Ayurvedic physician. Ayurvedic therapies such as Nasyam (nasal pouring) and Shirodhara (forehead pouring) are found to be very beneficial.
Tip to improve memory #6: Holistic exercises such as Yoga and Pranayama are two of the most important practices that help to improve the memory. Various aasanas and breathing technique improve the blood circulation within the brain and help to improve the memory.
Some suggest that biofeedback has important role in ruling out many health ailments and is also good for treating various health issues including loss or reduced memory. You can simply note down the things you forget and try to remember without those notes. However, you always have option to look into the notes to remember things.
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You may be interested in reading Increase Memory and Ashwagandha for Stress Relief at Herbal Remedies
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