Thursday, January 28, 2010

Back Pain and Passion Part 2

Try to turn it around, how about you giving yourself the right or permission to be right rather than wrong. Could you be optimistic rather than pessimistic? Do you see the glass half empty or half full?
Think of being hopeful, rather than fearful. Any negative emotion turn it around to a positive one. If you are upset with your partner or someone close to you ask yourself, "Who am I upset with?"
Remember, when we are down the world seems down and our passion for life is at a low and sends us down a path of not just feeling low but becoming low physically. Posture goes, neck and shoulder tension starts which leads to back pain. When you give yourself compassion you also ignite the passion in your life.
When you have back pain or neck and shoulder pain it can be difficult to stay positive, of course the more severe the pain the less motivated we can be to help put it right. It just all seems too much. This is where our passion has been lost and we need to find it again. We need to have that 'feel good factor' again and start by doing something like you like doing, stimulating the senses. Of course keeping the balance in order, we wouldn't eat a box of chocolates just to feel good because we know the consequences of that.
We want to feel good to enable us to make the next step to keeping us positive and with passion. The more passionate we become the more our goals will be achieved.
How do you start your day and it's raining outside? Do you say 'it's overcast and a bit miserable? Or do you say the grass is getting watered for free and the sun is trying to come out?
A good start to the day would be to say 'What can I achieve today?' You see how positive that is? Creating positive outcomes, with positive out talk. What is your out talk like?
Whatever you say, you are sending messages to your brain and your brain will then execute your commands. So be careful what you ask for you might just get it! What you think you become, so create the thoughts that you want and focus on the outcome. Act as though you have already achieved what you want. Say you can and you can, say you can't and you're absolutely right.

About the Author
Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher. Glen is a yoga expert who loves to teach you how to lose your neck, shoulder or back pain with yoga.
Dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain. For further information and your FREE Yoga and You report go to
For your FREE Introduction Audio CD go to
For a Lower Back Pain Dvd go to

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