Saturday, January 2, 2010

Best Health Tips - Finding the Right Remedy For Vaginal Itch

You're in a crowded place and you feel itching under your pants. It is driving you nuts! Sounds, irritating right?

Getting stressed of looking for an effective Remedy For Vaginal Itch? Getting tired and embarrassed by your burning vaginal itch? How do you cope with these symptoms? A good remedy is something that acts quickly as possible with reasonable price. How will you find that? Let's discuss it all in this article.

Vaginal itching is caused by a bacterial infection in your feminine area. Bad bacteria are accumulated if the area is warm or moist for a long period. Factors that could contribute in vaginal itch are hormonal imbalances, antibiotics, too much washing of the vagina, vaginal sprays, contraceptive pills, and STDs.

Burning vaginal itch with too much redness in the area might indicate that your infection is severe. Curd-like secretions could indicate that you might be suffering from Candida overgrowth. Foul-smelling and fishy odor might indicate you have STD. It is better if you consult your doctor of your vaginal itch is accompanied with any of these symptoms.

The best remedy for vaginal itch is home treatment. Here are some tips for you.

1. Apply some yogurt in the area. It can soothe the itchiness and restores good bacteria (acidophilus bacteria) in your outer vagina that helps fight candida overgrowth.

2. Change wet clothes as soon as possible. Wet clothes could harbor more bacteria and thus promoting bacterial growth.

2. Avoid using scented soaps. Mild soaps are recommended.

3. Choose a feminine wash which has the exact pH of a normal vaginal acidity. Avoid over-concentrated formulas.

4. Hot zits bath could help alleviate itchiness as well as kills bad bacteria. But don't stay longer than 15 minutes or your problem will get worse. Take note of that.

Some women prefer to use natural formulas to get rid of their burning vaginal itch. They are much safer, with lower concentration but very potent in killing bad bacteria in your vagina. Why don't you try it? It might help you.

About the Author

Stop vaginal itching before it stops your enjoyment! Get the best remedy for vaginal itch now. If you're looking for a natural solution to vaginal itch, then we recommend you to check out Naeleen's. Naeleen's is the The World First Natural Herbal Feminine Wash Exploiting The Wonder Of Nano Science thatwas specially formulated to get rid of vaginal infection & vaginal itching naturally.

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