If there is anything that has increased controversy on steroids today, mostly the anabolic androgenic steroids, it is the usage of steroids by females and women bodybuilders, fitness queens and sportswomen. The reasons have been varied, with the largest part of these reasons being the negative nature that pundits and researchers have come to associate with steroid usage. In side the female body there occurs some important reactions and body functions which are crucial for wholesome performance of the body. The female body is a baby making factory, and also undergoes such changes as menstruation every month and can be detrimentally affected if at all any chemical changing element is introduced into their wave length.
Testosterone is the chief component from which the anabolic steroids are derived from, with the hormone being a male hormone, the chief to exact, which occasions so many changes that bring out the male characteristics as we know them. While on the other hand, on the part of women the reverse is not true, where the chief female hormone, which is known as estrogen which occasions the onset of those traits and characteristics which make up the female gender, from development of breasts, broadening of hips, softening of voice to enlargement of scalp hair. Estrogen also occasions menstruation cycle once the time is right.
For women bodybuilders, the results of their intake of testosterone compounds is very interesting. When they have been administered with anabolic steroids, the body assimilates them and if the capacity is not that huge, then there is usually no problem at all. The worst thing is seen after the encroachment of a more vast and subtle capacity. The first that is observable is the desired effect, increase in growth and energy and desired, since it is the reason towards the excursion. on the other hand, some very undesirable effects start showing, the anabolic steroid engineered effects in their fullest capacity.
There is a breaking of the voice, which adds bass octanes in their voices, increase of body hair and advent of baldness, loss of breasts as the clitoris increase in gigantic sizes. This is just the permanent but mild effects, the worst being the destruction of the menstruation cycle.
Naturally, it is not worth giving or allowing women to use anabolic steroids, more so in huge cycles, since the effect could turn to be really disastrous. Such are some of the steroid effects that manifest themselves in a female member.
About the Author
Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on bodybuilding and steroids. He has coached countless athletes all over the world. To read more of his work, please visit either http://www.BodybuildingToday.com or http://www.SteroidsToday.com
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