Friday, January 1, 2010

Women Infertility Causes, Natural Remedies for Infertility Treatment

Infertility is the major problem for women who want to get pregnant and become a mother. It does not allow a woman to conceive. There are different ways for the conventional treatment of this disorder, but not all of them are really effective.
For more information visit Herbal Remedies for Women Infertility
Cause for Infertility
Endometrial tissues form the lining of the uterus. If a part of these tissues grows outside the uterus, it blocks the passage of the egg, resulting in infertility.
Luteal Phase Defect
If the ovum fails to lodge in the endometrium, a condition known as Luteal Phase defect, frequent miscarriages might lead to infertility.
Abnormal hormone level
Hypothyroidism, which increases secretion of prolactin and thyroid stimulating hormones, may be responsible for infertility. Deficiencies in follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, caused by hypopituitarism or failure of the pituitary gland, can stop menstruation, causing infertility.
Pelvic Inflammatory disease and sexually transmitted diseases
Pelvic inflammatory disease caused by sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhea and Chlamydia, can damage the reproductive organs. Blockage and scarring of the fallopian tube hinders fertilization and results in infertility.
Tips Women Infertility
* Before deciding to have sexual intercourse with your husband, you should first make sure that you are in the right condition, and your thoughts are focused on it. Studies have shown that women who worry before doing sexual intercourse with their husband find it hard to conceive a baby in their womb. Therefore, you need to relax your mind and be in your comfortable self.
* Being in perfect shape and losing excess weight will not only make you look sexy, but these will surely help a lot for you to get pregnant easily. Too much fat deposits will contribute to many health problems, and these include your inability to conceive.
* Avoiding caffeinated products can aid in the fertilization process of the sperm cell and the egg cell. On the otherhand, too much caffeine in your blood can weaken the action-potential of these reproductive cells.
Natural Aids to Women Fertility
Increase the consumption of whole grains:
It is advisable to increase the intake of complex carbohydrates like whole grain breads which are excellent to improve fertility. You can also increase the consumption of other complex carbohydrates like oatmeal, brown rice and stone-ground cornmeal.However, it is crucial to refrain from the consumption of refined carbohydrates
like white bread as they increase the sugar and insulin levels in your blood. It is good to have 5-7 servings of whole grains on a daily basis to increase your chances of becoming pregnant. Eating whole grains can be termed as a very tasty, healthy and inexpensive infertility cure.
Observe the basal body temperature:
Basal body temperature is the lowest temperature achieved by the body while sleeping or at rest. The process of ovulation causes a rise in the basal body temperature of women. The increase in the temperature is the indication that the body is in the process of releasing an egg. By meticulously monitoring the rise in the basal body temperature one can effectively determine the ovulation day.
Increase the intake of Vegetable oils:
Augment the consumption of liquid vegetable oils and refrain the use of cottonseed oil. Naturally occurring vegetable oils that are rich in Vitamin E work as the best infertility cure for women.
Refrain from certain medications:
Keep away from medications such as aspirin, Motrin or similar drugs which cause the blockage of the prostaglandin hormone which helps in easy conception. Avoiding certain drugs that cause infertility in women is also an extremely helpful infertility cure.

About the Author
Read about effective Home Remedies for Male infertility Problem and also visit for Herbal Remedies for female libido enhancer from herbalcureindia

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