Saturday, January 2, 2010

Your Attitude Shapes Biophoton Emissions

What is a biophoton and why should you care? There are several forms of mechanical signaling in the the body including mechanical signaling which operates via the actin cytoskeleton. Biophotons are another form of signaling. Biophotons can be generated by redox(oxidative and reduction) reactions and by electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetic fields in the brain can be measured in the brain by electrocorticophotography.
Biophotons have the capacity to travel very long distances due to their low molecular weight. So, other peoples attitudes can result in neurons generating electromagnetic fields. These electromagnetic fields can produce an ordered burst of biophotons resulting in a signaling mechanism.
DNA contains biophotons within. Biophotons can be different colors on the spectrum of light. The ordered burst of biophotons by other peoples attitudes can result in your biophotons within your DNA changing color. These biophotons can result in an increase or decrease of the expression of particular genes.
Support that biophotons can alter the expression of DNA rests in research on pulsed electromagnetic fields. Pulsed electromagnetic fields have been found to be able to up- or -down grade cellular proliferation most likely by altering genetic expression. Since electromagnetic fields can generate ordered fluxs of photons(-bio) and the biophotons within DNA can change color it's likely that biophotons can alter the expression of DNA and the PEMFs work by generating ordered fluxes of photons.
Your attitutdes are not the only types of thought that can alter biophoton emissions. Faith healing, hypnosis, meditation, and acupuncture all operate to some degree by altering your biophoton emissions.
Some say that biophotons are merely products of redox reactions and that thoughts like your attitude and the attitude of those around you should not affect those emissions. However, the fact that there are more biophotons inside your DNA then outside of it and the fact that electromagnetic fields can alter your genetic expression indicates otherwise.
About the Author
Tyler Davis has also written articles about hypnosis and biophotons, biophotons in general, and meditation and biophotons.

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