Saturday, January 2, 2010

Back Pain Solutions - What You Should Know To Get Relief

Millions of people are suffering from back pains caused by too much stress and exertion on the body. Back pain is a hindrance to continue doing work for the whole day. When dealing with this condition, you may find it hard to stand up, sit and even sleep at nights when the pain persist or intensifies. It is a problem common to most people and all of them are looking for effective back pain solutions to deal with the pain. There are both synthetic and alternative medicines available for treatment.

Alternative treatments

Acupuncture is one of the back pain solutions sought by many because not only does it relieve the pain, but it also improves blood circulation. Choosing this treatment doesn't require you to take any pain medication for your back pains.

Vitamin D
Muscle pain or back pain can be a symptom for lack in Vitamin D. For your daily vitamin D needs, you can get it from milk, sunlight and fish.

Capsaicin Cream
Chili peppers contain capsaicin which is an effective ingredient added to pain relieving ointments. These back pain solutions should be applied to the affected area for at least four times a day. A burning or stinging sensation will be felt.

Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is known for alleviating pains of the lower back. Deficiency in this vitamin is accompanied with symptoms such as numbness, tingling sensation, mild memory impairment, depression and irritability.

A whole body massage not only reduces back pains, but it relaxes the whole body as well. This is one of the most popular back pain solutions and having it regularly can improve your over all wellness.

These are just some of the common back pain solutions that are affordable and easy to obtain. Before trying out any of them however, you need to consult with your doctor first and see if they go together with your medications (if you are taking any).

Synthetic Treatments

One of the most common medications used for treating pains is aspirin. People suffering from back pains take aspirin because it can block prostaglandins, a chemical associated with pains. It is produced in parts where there is inflammation which then sends out messages to the brain that something is wrong with your body thus, the pain.

Aspirin may be very effective in numbing back pains but, it is not really advisable to rely on it because of the negative side effects it can bring about in the long term. Another reason is, the whole body is affected when taking this medication because it doesn't target a specific area. Hence, areas that are not in pain are also affected.

Aspirin can also sometimes cause ulcers and irritation in the stomach because prostaglandin is the chemical responsible in maintaining the lining of the stomach. Blood clotting is also another responsibility of prostaglandins. Pain may go away, but blocking this certain chemical will not always bring good results to the body. Other people also have allergic reactions to aspirins and this is shown by facial swelling, hives and wheezing.
About the Author
Eazol is an FDA Registered Homeopathic pain relief solution formulated to soothe those nagging aches and pains. Now you can try a 30-day supply Risk Free!

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