Friday, January 1, 2010

Graviola Extract - a Natural Liver Cleanser

We all know that the Amazon Rainforest is a place much famous for the trees and herbs with medicinal values and some rare animals, which are not found elsewhere in the universe. Graviola is one of the most popular medicinal trees found in the Amazon Rainforest. It is a fruit tree. The scientific name for Graviola is Annona muricata.
Graviola is a tree which could be compared to the plantain tree in the terrain. All parts of the plantain tree are used by human for eating. The trunk, the leaves, the flowers and the raw and the ripe bananas are all useful to mankind besides Bananas are very rich in vitamins.
Plantain could never be compared with Graviola on the medicinal properties. Comparison is made only on the usefulness of its parts.
Like a plantain tree, all parts of Graviola, viz., the leaves, the barks, the seeds, the roots, the flowers and the fruits - all are extremely useful to human. The leaves, the barks, the seeds, the roots and the fruits of Graviola are used in making the extracts, capsules and tea.
Huge amount of money is being spent on the research for combating and preventing the killer disease Cancer. Graviola is considered to have the great reputation of acting against many cancer cells. The best part of Graviola is that while killing the cancer cells, it leaves the healthy cells intact.
The Graviola Extract is extracted from the leaves of the Graviola Tree. It is also prepared from the seeds, roots, stems or barks and fruits of the tree. The use of this Graviola Extract is also linked to cleanse the liver and it goes well with the digestion. It has mild sedative effect.
Use 15-20 drops mixed with water two to three times daily, or more as recommended by a practitioner. It is always recommended to consult your medical practitioner before taking any alternative medicine.
About the Author
Writes about Amazon Herb, with particular emphasis on Alternative Medicine Herbs

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