Friday, January 1, 2010

Green Tea- Alternative Medicine You Drink

If you mostly drink coffee and soda, then you more could improve your body's health by conscientiously adding more water, milk, juice and green tea to your daily intake. Yes, it is true, green tea is a healthy beverage for you to drink. Did you know that the people of China have long used the drink to treat depression, headaches and many more ailments?
Various studies have been conducted on green tea's health benefits, among them an epidemiological study published by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute showing a reduction in esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women who drank green tea.
Researchers who studied green tea in the University of Purdue found that those who drink green tea lower the total cholesterol levels, and improved the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to (LDL) cholesterol, the bad cholesterol.
The beverage is said to be helpful for several medical conditions including cancer, cardiovascular disease, infection, impaired immune function, high cholesterol levels, and rheumatoid arthritis. Why green tea, though?
Green tea is rich in catechin polyphenols, especially epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a very powerful anti-oxidant, which can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and kill cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It can lower bad cholesterol, and it can also stop the abnormal formation of unnecessary or excessive blood clotting. Abnormal blood clotting is a leading cause of heart attacks and strokes so it is important to drink green tea if you have a high risk factor for heart attacks or stroke.
Green tea is processed in a different way from other types of tea. Green teas are steamed instead of fermented, as black and oolong tealeaves are.
Did you know that if you drink green tea you might be helping your body to achieve a normal weight and to maintain that proper weight? Furthermore, green tea can help prevent tooth decay, since it kills the bacteria that cause dental plague. The same bacteria-destroying property also helps green tea to prevent food poisoning.
Because green tea contains caffeine you may have trouble sleeping although green tea does contain less caffeine than regular coffee does.

About the Author
Concetta is a health nut, who writes, in her spare time, for the blog techFragments, where you can read a review of the Logitech Harmony One universal remote.

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