Friday, January 1, 2010

Steps to Detox Your body - For Health & Healing

The first step is to reduce the intake of certain foods and drinks. It's good to lay of of such things as - coffee, alcohol, saturated fats and refined sugar, as well as cigarettes. The next step is to reduce the use of Personal Products that have chemical additives in them. Look at your shampoos and soaps and make sure that you only use organic brands such as Burts Bee.

While there are many methods to detox your body, here are some of you best options:

1. Juice Fasting - Drink only fresh vegetable and fruit juices (not citrus) for a maximum of three days. Some people choose to juice fast for up to 20-30 days. You can lose a 1/2 pound a day and up to around 25 pounds during one of these fasts.

2. Water fasting - The water fast only allows you to consume water. This is one of the best ways to rid your body of toxins quickly as your digestive tract is completely at rest. You can lose a tremendous amount of weight doing a water fast. The reason water fasting works is because when you do not take in food, your body is fully concentrating on cleaning out the toxins. It's busy repairing your organs and cleaning up.

3. MAKE SURE that your diet consists mainly of fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds and raw nuts.

4. Far Infrared sauna. Far infrared saunas are excellent for removing toxins that are trapped inside your cells and your tissues. Far Infrared is a wavelength that penetrates deep inside the tissues and pushes out harmful materials such as metals, chemicals, toxins and pathogens from the body. This method is used successfully to treat many ailments brought on by toxin overload. Using a far infrared sauna is different then using a plain steam sauna. The far infrared is the special wavelength that heals the body and can boost the immune system. It is often used in chinese medicine to heal the body from injuries, surgeries and diseases. And it is used by toxicologists to detox patients of toxins such as molds, chemicals, fungus, parasites and other hazardous materials that we come into contact with on a daily basis. it's one of the best detoxification methods hands down. And possibly the "Fountain of Youth" secret.

5. Skin Brushing - Using a dry skin brush made from soft bristles on your skin daily can help exfoliate dead skin cells. Brush your skin in circular movements From the top down. The removal of dead skin will help toxins be released from your body more effectively.

These are some of the most effective ways to detox your body. It is a good idea to know about these various methods before commencing any programs. Natural medicine has been suppressed due to the profits made by the pharmaceutical industry. Some of the methods of detoxification can heal a body much faster and easier then conventional medicine. Although there is no profit in a cure. Be smart and take control of your health. Detox your body and live a healthier and longer life.
Many people have used detoxification to cure themselves of degenerate diseases. You may have heard of the model, Carol Alt, who cured herself of breast cancer using a juicing and eating only raw foods. There are actually many people who have inspirational stories of detoxing their bodies and overcoming cancer, obesity, diabetes and other dis-eases. Click here to view inspirational stories of people who detoxed their bodies and regained their life.
About the Author
To find out more on how to DETOX YOUR BODY through FAR INFRARED SAUNAS go to Far Infrared Saunas to Detox your Body

To find out more about JUICE FASTING and water fasting go to:
Detox through juice fasting

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