Thursday, January 28, 2010

5 herbal plants to cure your sinus infection and as a sinus home remedy

5 herbal plants to cure your sinus infection and as a sinus home remedy
Learning to use herbs to cure your sinus is a lifelong process and herbal treatments, one of the best sinus home remedy can have direct beneficial effects on your lungs by reducing tension and relaxing the tense muscles and improving your immune system. These therapies are not quick fixes but require time, commitment and can be rewarding to be able to treat your own or your family's illnesses and to adopt a preventive way of living.
Herbal treatments are designed to work with your body, recognizing its symptoms as part of hte body's self-healing process. It does not ignore or suppress your sinus infection as most herbs taken to cure your sinus will pass harmlessly through your system if not needed  but prescribed drugs are stored in some of  your organs. Herbal treatments are holistic finding various methods to stimulate your body to stay healthy and this gives essence to one of the best sinus home remedy to cure your sinus.
Here are 5 herbal plants you can use for your sinus home remedy to cure your sinus. It is not an exhaustive list.
1. Garlic - king of all healing plants, used to keep coughs and colds at bay and to treat respiratory infections
2. Echinacea purpurea - strengthens the immune system and boosts resistance to colds and viral infections
3. Wild thyme - has antibacterial properties and recommended for allergies like asthma and sinus
4. Echinacea - a powerful immunity booster and useful for treating chronic infections like sinus, coughs, colds
5. Thyme - has antiseptic properties and a valuable remedy for treating respiratory ailments, chesty coughs and colds
Herbs can be prescribed in many ways as a tea, syrups, infusions or decoctions. Whatever method herbs are used, they are valuable as a sinus home remedy to cure your sinus. You can read on how to prepare yourself a herbal tea or as an infusion in this site, just search under the respective categories.
There is a herbal remedy using 3 plant extracts - cinnamon, thyme and cloves - which helps the body to deal with bacterial and viral infections, removal of excess mucus, boosting the immune system - all powerful weapons to combat your sinus infection and a very effective sinus home remedy as it has been claimed to relieve their sinus infection within 3 days and it has the assurance that it is used in hospitals, clinics and doctors in over 20 countries.
Learn more on how to use these 3 herbal plant extracts for your sinus home remedy to cure your sinus. Visit
Read more on types of sinus, its prevention and tips on how to relieve your sinus - informative, uptodate and educational resources

About the Author
I advocate using what Mother Nature has provided us to heal naturally.I have successfully treated my 2 children using sinus home remedies.I have created a site to share some of the most effective remedies. We are all biologically different and some of the remedies might not be effective for you. Do not give up as you will eventually find one.You will find many articles on home remedies in my site. http://WWW.SINUSHOMEREMEDY.COM

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